


Petersen Aluminum will match all new sponsorships
up to a total of $1500

This includes every new sponsorship donation
of any amount no matter how small

Please help us achieve the full $1500!

Please help us to meet this challenge
by donating whatever you can

All sponsorship donations support the 2012
Sgt. David J. Smith Memorial Golf Tournament
and its benefactors
No amount is too small
Every new sponsor donation counts towards the total!

Make your sponsorship donation securely
using paypal, credit card, or debit card

Click the button below to enter your amount and make a payment

To donate by credit or debit card,
follow the “Don’t have a PayPal account?” link on the next page

If you prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable to
“The Sgt. David J. Smith Memorial Fund”,
include a note indicating that your donation is for the Sponsorship Challenge,
and mail to:

The Sgt. David J. Smith Memorial Fund
P.O. Box 2044
Frederick, MD 21702

Thank You for your support!